Week 2 Coverage

Week 2 – July 30, 2012

Here’s how the schedule looks today for Week 2. Will update as the day goes on. Click on the links for photos from each match from ThePapare.com‘s Facebook page:

Kolkata Vipers vs Pune Marathas – Pune won 16-6

Mumbai Gladiators vs Pakistan Wolfpak – Mumbai won 14-12

Colombo Lions vs Bangalore Warhawks – Bangalore won 10-7

Kandy Skykings vs Delhi Defenders – Delhi won 43-6


Wow, the Dehli Defenders totally ran through the Kandy Skykings.


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jennamoshell Damnnnn #delhidefenders

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Week 3 will be on Thursday, August 2. See you then!

An Absolute Must Read

I mentioned this already, but if you haven’t done so, be sure to sign up for email updates on the official EFLI website (bottom right corner of main page). The most recent email was sent today at 11:36am EDT and it is a must read from Paul Crane, one of the broadcasters signed on to the EFLI. Here is the write-up:

An Absolute Must Read

Here’s an excerpt:

There were many places where history was made, but one which stood out to me came toward the end of the opening ceremonies.  All eight teams were lined up on the field, five from India, one from Pakistan, and two from Sri Lanka.  They all stood respectfully as the national anthems from each country were played, with players from the anthems’ country singing along.  Once all three anthems were done and fireworks started going off above the stadium, the players from all the teams came together, started jumping up and down, high-fiving and embracing.  When one considers the deep-seeded hostilities between countries like India and Pakistan which date back thousands of years, and how the last time a Sri Lankan sports team was in Pakistan there was a terrorist attack (2009?) which not only killed several people but has kept any Sri Lankan team from going to Pakistan since, the way all these teams came together in this ceremony was not a small moment.  To me, it was historic in many ways.

Great stuff. Only two more days until Week 2!

Opening Day Coverage

Week 1 – July 25, 2012

Today is the first day of the first EFLI season. I was unable to find any live streams, and it’s been fairly difficult to find updates, but I will update this post with any as soon as I discover them.

ThePapare.com has posted photos on their facebook page:

EFLI Sri Lanka Opening Ceremony

Pune Marathas Vs Delhi Defenders (EFLI Sri Lanka) 1st Day – Pune won 31-7

Kolkata Vipers Vs Kandy Sky Kings (EFLI Sri Lanka) 1st Day – Kandy won 13-0

Mumbai Gladiators Vs Colombo Lions (EFLI Sri Lanka) 1st Day – Colombo won 12-7


Judging from the photos, it looks like Pune and Kandy won their respective games (not sure of the outcome of Mumbai/Colombo from the photos, and for some reason no photos have been posted yet from the 4th game, Pakistan vs. Bangalore) (Update: ThePapare.com didn’t get photos of the game, but Bangalore won 26-6)


Update @ 7/25/12 11:35pm EDT: The official EFLI twitter has been updated with a little bit of info and some nice photos:




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From what I remember, Happy was on the Pune Marathas in the Pune vs. Mumbai scrimmage a few months ago… a blockbuster trade occurred since then, perhaps?

Update @ 7/26/12 12:30am EDT: I have updated some of the scores thanks to Facebook users who commented on ThePapare.com’s photos

Update @ 7/26/12 9:25am EDT: ThePapare.com posted an article with the scores of the games. Also it looks like the Wolfpak has officially changed its named from the Peshawar Wolfpak to the Pakistan Wolfpak.

Pakistan Wolfpak vs. Bangalore Warhawks – Bangalore won 26-6

Pune Marathas vs. Delhi Defenders – Pune won 31-7

Kandy Skykings vs. Kolkata Vipers – Kandy won 13-0

Colombo Lions vs. Mumbai Gladiators – Colombo won 12-7

EFLI tourney begins on July 25 in Colombo

According to this article from the Daily News (Sri Lanka’s National Newspaper Since 1918), the first EFLI season will begin on July 25 in Colombo, Sri Lanka at the Sugathadasa Stadium. The Peshawar Wolfpak will play against the Bangalore Warhawks at 1pm (which should be in a few hours now) and the Delhi Defenders will play the Pune Marathas at 3pm. The tournament will run from July 25 to August 25.

It looks like the schedule posted a couple months ago is slightly inaccurate – the season will start 10 days later than what that schedule had. We will keep you updated on how the first games of the first EFLI season go.

Update @ 7/25/12 9:30am EDT: The matches should be playing right now, but unfortunately I have had no luck finding out what is going on. Here is another article that contains the schedule from July 25 through August 25.

Update @ 7/25/12 1:50pm EDT: I am still unable to find any live updates on the games, but the official EFLI website was just recently updated with a commercial: The Calm Before The Storm

Email Updates from the EFLI

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign up for email updates on the official EFLI website (bottom right corner of main page). There’s been a barrage of updates in the past couple of weeks including:

7/13/12: Asiri Surgical Hospital will provide services to the EFLI, with two ambulances, one doctor, and three medically trained staff on hand per game.

7/12/12: Chris Crutchfield will be creating the commercials for the EFLI. His work includes Zeitgeist 2011: Year In Review and Pepsi Max – Whistle to the MAX.

7/10/12: Documentarians Evan Rosenfeld and Jenna Moshell will be creating a documentary about the EFLI. Their work includes “The U” which is part of ESPN’s 30 for 30 documentary series, and “Broke”, a documentary about professional athletes becoming broke shortly after their sports careers end.